And even luckier for us, they weren't in any hurry to be anywhere so they hung out and "mugged"* our boat a few times! Incidentally, when the first mugging was occuring another whale-watching boat came up right next to us--which is illegal and it really irritated our whale-master-guide-driver. However, to make lemonade out of lemons--it did give us a good view of how big whales really are! 'Massive' is one word that comes to mind.
Here are a few other photos our new whale friends! They tell the story better than I can...

See the full lot of photos here!
* a mugging occurs when a whale swims right up to a boat so that it can't use its motors (we wouldn't want to hurt the fellow). The law says that it is illegal to approach a whale closer than 100m, but if it swims up to you--you must turn off your motors so not to harm the anima
wow, so amazing! miss you so much!!!
Amazing is probably not even efficient to describe this experience! But, I will echo Sarah's sentiments! Simply fabuloso!
OH-SO-fabuloso, you mean! Sarah--what is your email, I keep writing you but they get sent back! :( (p.s. I dont have facebook anymore!)
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