About three weeks ago Vincent and I sold all our stuff and moved out of our Sydney apartment. We headed to Aotearoa, or New Zealand, for two glorious weeks. Technically it was our honeymoon, but for me it was also a much needed vacation.
New Zealand is spectacular.
We started in Wellington, where we partook in delicious coffee, and beer, and food. The weather was unusually awesome and we were able to walk around under sun and blue skies.
Then off to Kapiti Island, an island sanctuary for birds. We hiked around the island and enjoyed the company of an array of native NZ birds: takahe! weka! kereru! pukeko! kaka!
Then at night we went
kiwi-spotting! I'm telling you, this is where it's at people. Just magical.
I think Vincent and I could have spent a week there. It was the epitome of relaxation.
Oh yeah, this is right about when my hip stopped hurting. Perfect timing too I must say, because we would be soon flying to the South Island to go hiking on a glacier.
Stay tuned for Part II. In the meantime, you can check out some photos