I also ran along the marsh, which was just LOVELY. My knee only hurt half the way! GO KNEE!
Tomorrow, I'm going to Augusta--my eternal nemesis. Bring it!
This interpreter in Melbourne: I was trying to figure out where you are from.
Lindsay: Yeah...
This interpreter in Melbourne: Then I heard you say 'Eh,' and I knew you were Canadian!
Lindsay: Hahaha, I'm actually American.
This interpreter in Melbourne: No way! I totally thought you were from Canada.
Prohibited at all times onboard the aircraft. Devices which emit electromagnetic signals such as cellular telephones, transceivers, FM/AM radios, pocket pagers, radio controlled devices, printers, television receivers, audio equipment with wireless controls, and Furby toys.And on top of that--they had illustrations to go along with this important request--a picture of a little Furby with a big red circle and a strike through it. I mean, wow, what could a whole species of mechanical talking make-believe animals do to an airline to irk them so bad. And, is it really necessary for them to emit electromagnetic signals? Does W.A.T.C.H know about this?!