You see, it all started when Vincent's work sent him here for a month, which I guess is a good opportunity for him and blah blah blah, but whatever. What it means for me is that once again we are going to be spending a few months apart (if you add on the month that I'm going to the States). PLUS, we are supposed to be getting married in the midst of all of that. Sigh. Never the best timing, but that's how the penguins roll (haha get it? penguins.).
That's when I decided to have a great idea and go down to Melbourne WITH Vincent. I'm a PhD student after all, and one of the perks is a mobile work environment. It also helps that the project (and me) is collecting data in Melbourne, and I could help get that started --and voila: everyone is happy!
Since arriving, I've been very very busy writing my thesis proposal-which even if it kills me will be done by May, running--kind of at least, and doing a bit of sightseeing and drinking delicious coffee. My runs have been around the Royal Botanic Gardens which, I have to regretfully say, are better than the ones in Sydney. 90 acres of crazy plants and I'm sold, what can I say?
We also visited a town just outside Melbourne called Williamstown and discovered an authentic French Breton Creperie. And oh holy crepes, people, it was so delicious. I think the world I'm looking for is heaven. Yeah, and the coffee-- not even funny how awesomely lovely it was. :)
But the day didn't end with delicious crepes my dear friends-- it ended with PENGUINS! Vincent and I had both been on a mission to see penguins. It just wasn't in the cards to go see the little buggers on Phillip Island so we decided to visit the Melbourne Aquarium instead which are having an exhibit on Antarctica. And it was everything it should have been and more. Here's a short video of them....
Then of course, what's an aquarium without crazy sea animals... my OH SO FAVORITE (Leafy) Sea Dragons, tassled angler fish, and jellyfish!!
They also had gigantuan stingrays and several varieties of turtles and frogs. We also got to hold a baby starfish (well, actually- I have absolutely no idea if it was a baby--but it was small)!
If only everyday could be spent in a giant aquarium...
Alright y'all, it's time for Lindsay to go write linguistic-y things about mental spaces and medical terminology!