May 19, 2014

happy 200th birthday to the norwegian constitution!

On this past Saturday, May 17th, Norway's constitution became 200 years old.
Gratulerer med dagen!
Norway's 17th of Mays are full of parades, champagne breakfasts, friends and family, BBQs and the drinking of beverages…kind of like the 4th of July or Australia Day, but with more fancy costumes! Our dear friends Erik and Lene invited us over to partake in these traditional festivities, and it was just so lovely! We started the day with a champagne breakfast which ended with a super tasty pavlova!

See! Champagne! Norwegian flags! Bunads!
Then we headed to watch the parade in town. Two featured groups: Trondheim's Mustache Club,

Yes. Trondheim is so awesome that it has a Mustache Club. 
and the Stormtroopers club.

There are a remarkable number of people who own Stormtroopers costumes here.
After the parade we headed back for a BBQ and enjoyed the afternoon away.

Yay Norway!

P.S. Thanks for the warm sunny weather. Nice touch.


Anonymous said...

Great, I would like visit Norway at this season in a few years.

Chasing Life said...

finally catching up on your blog.... and missing you! i wish we could hop on a plane and visit. i swear, i'm playing the lottery! the moment we win, consider us there! hugs! sarah