March 23, 2011


George and I just got back from a "conference" in Auckland. No really, we did. We both presented about our PhD research and learned lots of new interesting and linguistic-y things. I also learned about coffee. And fish and chips. And West Auckland. What an informative three days.

We stayed with George's super-awesome-friend/OF tour guide, Sarah. HI SARAH! This is her (middle)...with George (left)..and me (right)**.

We were chillin' after the conference at a Festival Garden which is short for "Beer Festival Beer Garden." I know right. Divine.

The best part of the weekend was our tour of West Auckland to a few very VERY famous spots:

I'll paypal any of my American readers FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS if they can tell me why these places are significant.

It was a great weekend--one that I'm sure I'll have to repeat at some point with Vincent. Next year. I have to write a dissertation first.

* that's in New Zealand by the way.
**Notice that range on Lindsay's hip--3 more weeks to 10 kms!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I'll get $5 Aussie bucks if I tell you what those pictures are of? I'll do it, and then sell the Aussie bucks back cuz they're going to be worth more than a green back soon.